Hello, Michael Orhelein, “The Portrait Artist”, here. It’s another beautiful day in Grand Cayman.
I have learned that if you take the time to see, you will always find something of interest. This blog is meant to share with you those people, places, and things that I have found in my daily travels. Although portrait photography is my passion I am fascinated with the world around me.

Grand Cayman Today:
Jaws: Image 101-1323
I am not sure what kind of fish this is. It resembles a needlefish or gar. Anyone out there know for sure? It is not that rare to see one here as they usually swim very near the surface and often close to the shoreline. This one is a unique sight however; because in it’s jaws it has its lunch. So, you think you’re having a bad day?!
Technical info:
Camera: Canon 5D
Lens: 70-200 IS L
Focal length: 200mm
Exposure: 1/320@F/7.1
To view my portrait collection, visit www.caymanislandportraits.com
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Hope you have enjoyed Cayman Today. Love to hear your thoughts.