It’s another beautiful day in Grand Cayman. Take the time to see and you will always find something of interest. Although portrait photography is my passion I am fascinated with the world around me.
Grand Cayman Today:
Cleaning Catch: Image 102-1402B
This local gentleman is cleaning a barracuda he caught this morning, while birds swoop for an easy meal. Many locals catch their dinner as they know the sea well. Barracuda is said to be poisonous, although I've talked to a lot of Caymanians who love it and say it has never given them any problems. The smaller ones are generally the safest. An old wives tale says that if you put a small piece of the fish on an ant mound and the ants don't eat it, then neither should you. Now that sounds like good advice!
Technical info: Camera: Canon 5D Lens: 70-200 IS L
Focal length: 200mm Exposure: 1/125@F/18
This blog is meant to share with you photographs and stories of those people, places, and things that I have found in my daily travels.