Grand Cayman Today:
Turtleback: Image 102-1267
At the turtle farm in Boatswains Bay a bird decides the best place to settle down is on this turtles back. It didn't make sense to me as there were plenty of less precarious places to relax. Maybe it's an in your face move. Haha, I can fly and you can't.
When I was a young boy I often made pets of Box Turtles. They are slow, cumbersome and hard shelled. These sea turtles glide gracefully and feel soft and leathery. I enjoyed the turtle farm. I think you will also.
Technical info: Camera: Canon 5D Lens: 70-200 IS L
Focal length: 200mm Exposure: 1/50@F/18
This blog is meant to share with you those people, places, and things that I have found in my daily travels. Although portrait photography is my passion I am fascinated with the world around me.
To view my portrait collection, visit www.caymanislandportraits.com